
鲁教版七年级Unit 4 How do you make a banana shake ?一课一练(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 鲁教版

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1. Please cut ______ the banana _________ small pieces.
A. up; to B. up; into C. off to D. off into
2. It's too dark here. Please ________ the light.
A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up D. turn down
3. --_______ cups of yogurt do we need?
--Two. A. How B. How much C. How many D. How many of
4. --________ bread would you like?
--Three pieces of_______
A. How many; breads B. How many; bread
C. How much; breads D. How much; bread
5. --How many hours does the boss make the workers ______a day?
--About ten hours.
A. work B. to work C. working D. worked
6. --Can I add tomatoes ________ the shopping list?
--No. We have some in the fridge.
A. in B. on C. to D. into
7. _____mix these things together.
A. Not B. No C. Don't D. You aren't
8. There ________ two slices of turkey on the table and there __ some relish on the slices.
A. are; are B. are; is C. is; is D. is; are
9. I have to write ______ letter this evening.
A. much B. another C. two another D. two more
10. You can't _______ water up with oil.
A. mix B. put C. get