
初中七年级英语(人教新课标) 多媒体暑假作业二十六(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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七年级英语(人教新课标版) 多媒体暑假作业二十六
一Listen and Practice.
1. Listen the conversation ,then choose the right answer.听第一段对话,选出正确答案(每段对话念两遍)(4×5=20')
(c) 1. What does Tom want to be?
A. teacher B. runner C. reporter
(C) 2. What does Tom like to do?
A. talking with people B. asking others questions C. A&B
(b) 3. What does Mandy want to be?
A. singer B. dancer C. teacher
(a) 4. What is Mandy good at?
A. singing B. drawing C. playing volleyball
2. Listen and judge the sentences , write “T” for the right answer and “F” for the wrongs听短文,判断正误。(4×5=20')
(T) 5. One day, a very rich family went on for a trip to the countryside.
(T) 6. The father wants to show his son poor people lived.
(T) 7. The boy’s house has a dog at home, and the poor family have four
(F) 8. There is a pool in the poor family.
(T) 9. There are stars in the sky at poor family, while there are some expensive lamps at the rich family.
(T) 10. His father feel disappointed when his son finished talking.
二. Single Choice单项选择(4×5=20')
1. Can you Jiao zi English?
A. say, with B. speak, in C. say, in D. speak, with
2. This is Tom’s pen. Please give .
A. it to him B. it him C. to him D. him to it
3. Do you know the name the girl.
A. in B. on C. of D. at
4. cars are under the tree.
A. Tom and