

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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姓名__________ 学号_______
( )1. There is_____ “t” and______ “s” in _____word “thanks”.
A. a; an; x B. a; a; x C. a; an; the D. a; an; a
( )2. ---Is every _____here, Lucy?
----No. Lily is not here.
A. student B. x C. girls D. boy
( )3. Listen ____the tape and answer the questions ____page 100.
A. to; of B. of; from C. to; on D. at; in
( )4. Tom’s address is _______.
3 Green Park, London, England
America, New York, NY Road
China,Guilin Road, Changchun
Tokyo, Flower Road, Japan
( )5. ______a bird. ______name’s Polly.
A. Its; It’s B. It’s; It’s C. Its; Its D. It’s; Its
( )6. These are_______cakes. ______are over there.
A. they; We B. their; Mine C. you; His D. my; Your
( )7. The policemen’s _______sit under the ______.
A. child; wall B. friend; window
C. wives; apple trees D. babies; oranges tree
( )8. She has no brothers ______sisters.
A. or B. and C. but D. x
( )9. Do you want _______?
A. to go to school B. speak English
C. go home D. to the tree
( )10. ______is this blouse? ______knows?
A. Who’s; Who B. Whose; Who’s
C. Who; Who’s