
人教七年级Unit 1 My name’s Gina.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 1 My name’s Gina.
1. Nice to meet you.
A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you, too. C. You are good.
2. How are you?
A. Hello! B. How are you? C. I’m fine, thanks.
3. Good morning!
A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening!
4. Hi, Dave, this is Gina.
A. Excuse me. B. OK. C. Hello, Gina. Nice to meet you.
5. See you later!
A. Hello! B. See you! C. Sorry!
1. Good a________.
2.--H____, Gina. How are you?
--I’m f____, thank you.
3.--W___ is your name?
--My name is Lucy.
4. -- What’s your l____ name?
5.--What’s your t________ n______?
三、用am, is, are 填空。
1. What ____ your name? My name _______ Dave.
2. ______you Lingling? Yes, I ________.
3. What _______ your first name? My first name _______ Gina.
4. How old ______ you? I ______ eleven years old.
5. What ____ Jim's telephone number? His telephone number ______ 159-1548.
1. Linda, name, my, is __________________________.
2. name, what, is, please, your _________________________?
3. your, what, number, is, telephone ____________________?
4. first, my, is, name, Gina _______________.
5. thirteen, I, now, old, am , years ____________.

Lucy: Good morning, Miss Zhang.
Miss Zhang: 1 ____________. What's your name please?
Lucy: 2_____________,