
人教七年级Unit 1 My name’s Gina.单元测试(浙江省温州市).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit1 测试题
1. telephone number___________ 2 .他的钟表_____________
3. answer a question ____________ 4.276-5819___________________________
5.her family name_____________ 6.一件橘色的夹克衫______________________
7. Nice to meet you!____________ 8 . 你的白色的电话_____________________
9 .first name____________ 10.身份证号码_________________________
二,用am , is, are 填空(10):
1. -Hi, I _______ Helen , what _______ your name? -My name _______ Lisa.
2. Hello! How ________ you? I ______ fine, thank you.
3. ---What ______ your telephone number? ---It ’s 555-80.
4. _____ her first name Gina?
5. She is _______ (I) sister. _______ (she) name is Lucy.
6. This is my book. Is that _______ (you) pen?
1. what is ________________(缩写形式) 2. I am ______________(缩写形式)
3. her name is _____________(缩写形式) 4. it is _________________(缩写形式)
5.Jim is________________(缩写形式)
1. ---_________your name, please? --- ___________ name is Gina Smith.
A. What, I B. What’s, Your C. What’s, My D. What, My
2. Her name is Ann Read. Read is her _____________ name.
A. first B. given C. full D. family
3. My English teacher’s name is Bruce White. So we all call him ________.
A. Miss Bruce B. Mr. Bruce C. Mr. White D. Sir Bruce.
4. You want to know Mary’s mobile phone number. You ask her:
A. Is this your mobile phone? B. This is your mobile