
人教七年级Unit 2 This is my sister.单元基础检测试题及答案.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit2 This is my sister.单元基础检测试题

1. Mum,   is my friend, Li Lei. Li Lei,   is my mother.
A. he; she B. she; he C. this; this D. this; that
2. --- Are   your keys?
--- Yes, they are. They're  .
A. this; my B. that; mine C. these; my D. those; mine
3. ---  ?
--- He is my favourite basketball player in our school.
A. Where is Jim B. Who is Jim C. How is Jim D. What is Jim
4. ---   is the woman over there?
--- She is my mother.
A. What B. Who C. How D. Where
5. --- What are these?
---   classrooms.
A. These are B. This is C. They are D. That is
6.   is my friend, and   is my brother.
A. This; that B. This; he C. This; those D. It; these
7.   boys over there(那儿) are my cousins. They are in front of a tree.
A. That B. This C. Those D. These
8. ---   is that tall boy?
--- He's my classmate.
A. What B. Where C. Whose D. Who
9. ---   is she?
--- She is my sister.
A. How B. Where C. Who D. What
10. I have two pairs of shorts.   are nice.
A. Shorts B. It C. These D. They
11. Look!   is a pen. And