
人教七年级Unit 2 What time do you go to school 单元测试题.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Ⅰ. 单项选择(10分)
( ) 1. —What’s the time?
—It’s _______ three-thirty.
A. of B. around C. at
( ) 2. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock.
A. in B. after C. on
( ) 3. Please write and tell me _______ your school lday.
A. about B. for C. with
( ) 4. We often do _______ homework at home.
A. we B. us C. our
( ) 5. _______ interesting movie it is!
A. What B. How C. What an
( ) 6. Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now.
A. to; home B. /; to home
C. /; home
( ) 7. I usually watch TV _______ Saturday evenings.
A. on B. in C. at
( ) 8. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have _______ homework to do.
A. little B. many C. lots of
( ) 9. —_______ do you eat breakfast?
—At seven-thirty.
A. What B. What time
C. Where
( )10. —Do you know ________?
—Sorry, I don’t know.
A. what is his name
B. what his name is
C. what name is his
Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)
My brother works in a store. It’s near(在……附近) a 11 . The students come to 12 pens or food every day. My brother 13 at 6:00 in the morning. He 14 a bus to the store. He gets 15 the store at 6:50. His work 16 at 7:00. 17 things are on sale, 18 lots of students come to the store. My brother is very happy to meet 19 and the students