
人教七年级Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag单元基础检测试题及答案.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?单元基础检测试题

1. The English book is   the desk   the room.
A. on; under B. under; on C. over; in D. on; in
2. --- Where are the keys?
--- They are   the drawer.
A. at B. under C. in D. on
3. Mrs. Green's flat is   the eighth floor. She likes listening to music   bed.
A. at; under B. in; on C. by; on D. on; in
4.   most museums you can't make any noise.
A. In B. On C. At D. Under
5. Where   he from?
A. are B. is C. does D. has
6. ---   that?
--- I think it's Sam.
A. What's B. Who's C. Whose D. Where's
7. This is my pen,   that is your pencil.
A. in B. of C. and D. but
8. --- It's time for sports.
--- Let's put on our sports shoes   go to the playground.
A. and B. or C. so D. but
9. Mr. Wu is   English teacher. He teaches   English.
A. they; them B. their; them C. their; their D. them; their
10. An old friend of my sister's always helps my brother and   with   English.
A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our
11. My baseball is   the floor,  