
人教七年级Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A 同步练习3(有答案).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? Section A
1. —Where are my pens? —________(它们) are in the pencil case.
2. The ________(数学) book is on the bed.
3. I ________(能) see my CDs on the desk.
4. Tom is in the ________(房间). He is sleeping(睡觉) .
5. There is an alarm clock on the ________(书桌).
6. B________ your pictures here. Take the books there.
7. The book is on the t________.
8. —W________ are my keys? —They are in the dresser.
9. —Where’s my backpack? —It’s u________ the table.
10. —Where are the hats? —Sorry, I don’t k________.
二、观察A、B、C三幅图, 用英语句子表达sharpener “卷笔刀”的位置

1. The ball is ______ the floor.
2. The hat is ______ the chair.
3. His pencils are ______ the pencil box.
4.The two girls are ______ the tree(树).
5. The computer is ______ the table.
1 .His schoolbag is on the desk .(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ his schoolbag?
2. My keys are on the table. (改为一般疑问句)
______ ______ keys on the table?
3. A book is on the chair. (用four替换a改写句子)
Four ______ ______ on the chair.
4. —Is Tim's bookcase red? (作否定回答)
—______, ______ ______.
5. —What are those? (回答问句)
—______ ______ CDs.
are under is my some and her
Hello! This is 1 room. In my room there is a bed, a desk