
人教七年级Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 练习.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Section A
I. 用画线单词的对应词或反义词完成句子。
1. This apple is big, but that apple is ________.
2. This shirt is too(太)________. Do you have a long one?
3. —Is your skirt black?
—No, it’s ________.
4. These bananas are ten yuan. ________ pears are six yuan.
5. Can you bring some photos to us? Please _______ the map to your teacher. 21教育网
II. 从括号中选择恰当的一项填在横线上。
1. —Can I help you?
—________ (Thank you. / Yes, I want a pair of shoes.)
2. —________ (How much / How many) are these fruit?
—Eight yuan.
3. —Thanks.
—________ (Yes, please. / You’re welcome.)
4. How much ________ (is / are) those pants?
5. —Can I have a look at your notebook?
—Sure. ________ (I’ll take it. / Here you are.)
III. 情景交际:根据对话内容,在横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。
(C = clerk, L = Lisa )
C: (1) ________________
L: Yes, please. I want a T-shirt for my son.
C: (2) ________________
L: He likes green.
C: What about (怎么样) this one?
L: It’s very nice. (3) ________________C: 35 yuan.