
人教七年级Unit 8 When is your birthday单元基础检测试题及答案.zip

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Unit8 When is your birthday?单元基础检测试题

1. --- Amy,   is your birthday?
--- May 22nd.
A. what B. when C. what time D. how
2. --- When is your birthday?
--- It's on  .
A. February nine B. February nineth
C. February the ninth D. February nineteen
3. --- When is your mother's birthday?
--- It's on  .
A. February eighths B. July thirty third
C. February 7th D. March nineth
4.   day of a week is Thursday.
A. The fifth B. The five C. Fifth D. Five
5. --- Where is your office?
--- It is on the   floor.
A. twelve B. twelfth C. twelveth
6. My brother wants to have a party   Children's Day.
A. in B. at C. on
7. --- When is your birthday?
--- It's on  .
A. February two B. February 2nd
C. February 2th D. February the two
8. --- I'm going to Sanya for my holiday. I'll phone you as soon as I arrive there.
--- OK.  .
A. It's very kind of you B. I wish you good luck C. Have a good time
9. ---   is Alice's birthday?
--- Her birthday is on October 19th.
A. When B. How C. Why D. Where
10. --- When is your birthday?
---  .
A. November three B. November thirteen