
人教七年级Unit 11 How was your school trip 练习卷及答案.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 11 How was your school trip?练****卷
Ⅰ. 单项选择。
  1. Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ______.
  A.to stop crying    B.stop crying   C.to stop to cry   D.stop to cry
  2. Don’t worry! The bus is not _______ now. Each of us has a seat.
  A. crowd    B. crowded    C. uncrowded   D. busy
  3. My brother has a lot of fun ______ English. He likes English very much.
  A. learn    B. to learn     C. learning     D. learns
  4. Can you help me _______ this math problem?
  A. solve    B. solved     C. solving     D. solves
  5. Let’s go ________ _______ Sunday morning.
  A. swim; in    B. fishing; on    C. boating; in    D. to swim; in
  6. -What did you do just now?
    -I _____ to our teacher’s office.
  A. go    B. going    C. to go     D. went
  7. We _____ our friends last weekend.
  A. visited      B. visit     C. visits     D. visiting
  8. My brother ______ to the movies yesterday. He stayed at home.
  A. go   B. didn’t went   C. didn’t go   D. wasn’t go
  9. -When _____ you ______ the bike?
    - Last night.
  A. have bought   B. had; bought   C. do; buy   D. did; buy
  10. There isn’t _______ in the box.
  A. something   B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything
  11. We went to the Great Wall ______ vacation.
  A. at     B. on     C. for     D. to
  12. My mother ______ at home last night. She went to Beijing.