
人教七年级Unit8 I’d like some noodles单元测试.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 8 测试题
1.想要________ 2. what kind of________ 3.多大号________ 4. play with________
5.绿茶________ _____6.牛肉西红柿面________ ______________
7.饺子店________ __________8. orange juice_______
9.noodle(复数)________ 10.tomato(复数)________ 11.He’d(完全形式)_____
12.potato(复数)____________ 13.Fri.(完全形式)____________
14.large(反义词)__________ 15 I’d(完全形式)_____ _________
二、词汇 A) 写单词
1. China is a l    country with long history.
2. What s    shoes would you like?
3. T    is between Monday and Wednesday.
4. My telephone n    is 834—8394.
5.We often have rice,meat,________(马铃薯) for lunch every day.
6.John likes________(粥),pizza(比萨),salad and ice tea very much.
7.My favorite drink is ____________________(橘汁).
8._____________(星期四) is the fifth day of a week.
9. What ____________ (饮料) would you have?
10. We have many great ______________ (特色菜) in the restaurant.
B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. There ______(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.
2. There__________(be) some onions and mutton in the bowl.
3. Look, they ______(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.
4. She ____(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.
5. I like ______(listen) to the pop music and watching TV.
6. They would like _____(see) the animals in the zoo.
7.Special 1 (have) onions and beef.
8. I and Jack ____ (do) homework in the classroom n