
人教七年级Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 综合阅读训练(含答案).doc

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 综合阅读训练(含答案).doc
Unit 5 Do you have a soccerball?
David is 12. He and his brother are in No.5 Middle School. They like ping-pong and they have some 1.______ and bats. They always 2.______ping-pong after class at school.
Now they are playing ping-pong at school.A girl comes up to them.
Tina:Hello,I'm Tina. You play ping-pong so well!
David:3.______ We play it every day.
Tina:Can you please teach me? It is 4.______
David:Yes. Do you 5.______a bat?
Tina:Yes,Ido. It's in my 6.______
David:Your bag? 7.______ is it?
Tina:Look!It's under the tree.
David:Is that black bag 8.______?
Tina:No,mine is the 9.______ one next to it.I like red very much.
David:Oh,I see.
Tina:Let me 10. ______my bat first.
( )1.A. volleyballs B. basketballs
C. ping-pong balls D. soccer balls
( )2.A. meet B. play C. find D. watch
( )3.A. Sorry B.OK C. Great D. Thanks
( )4.A. interesting B. boring
C. late D. fine
( )5.A. lose B. have C. help D. know
( )6.A. room B. box C. bag D. class
( )7.A. What B. How C. Where D. Who
( )8.A. mine B. yours C. hers D. his
( )9.A. red B. black C. yellow D. blue
( ) 10.A. ask B. think C. spell D. get
Hello!My name is Bob.I have two good friends. They are Frank and Dale. We like sports. Frank doesn't have a soccer ball,but his brother Alan does. Frank and his brother go to the same school and they lov