
人教七年级Unit 10 I'd like some noodlesSectionB(1a-2c)课时作(含答案).docx

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 10 I'd like some noodlesSectionB(1a-2c)课时作(含答案).docx
Unit 10 Section B(1a-2c)课时作业
1. My parents buy a big birthday ___(蛋糕) on my  fourteenth  birthday.
2. Can you ___(吹) out all the candles?
3. Many young people like the movie star. He's very _____(受欢迎的).
4. Long noodles are a__(象征) of long life.
5. We don't know how to help the girl. Do you have any good _____(主意)?
luck, different, age, answer, will
6. The ____ of the old man is eighty.
7. What's your ____ to this question?
8. They think it can bring good _____ to them.
9. They are twins(双胞胎),but they are_____ from each other.
10. If it's sunny tomorrow, we ___ go boating.
11.-I'm the only child in my family, Tom.
一I don't have brothers ___ sisters,either.
A. and B. or C. but
12.―Would you like ____ orange juice, Sir?
—Yes, please.
A. some B. many C. any
13.—How many ______ doctors(医生)are there in your hospital, David?
—_____ them ______ over one hundred.
A. woman;The number of;is
B. women;A number of;are
C. women;The number of;is
14.―Tina wants to know if you will go to the park with us tomorrow.
—I'd love to. But if it ___,I may go to the library.
A. will rain B. rains C. rain
15.-Aunt Wu, what should we do next?
—Here are some  vegetables . We have to_______
A. cut it up
B. cut up them
C. cut them up
16. The girl is ______(许愿) for her mother.
17._____(……的数量)the baseball bats is 50.