
牛津译林版 7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate!Period4 课时训练.zip

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7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Period4 (Integrated skills & Study skills)
1.观看舞狮______________________ 2.不同的节日______________________
3.似乎很开心____________________ 4.拍大量的照片____________________
5.庆祝中国新年__________________ 6.通过纽约广播电台________________
7.许多有趣的事__________________ 8.吃一顿美味的中餐________________
1.There are lots of________ (狮子) in Africa(非洲).
2. You are too fat. You should do_______(更多)exercise.
3.Millie_______(好像)very happy today.
4. There are many kinds of_______(演出)at the party.
5. My grandpa has poor eyesight. He doesn't like watching TV, but he likes listening to the
6.Where are you going for your_______(假期).
( )1. His aunt wants to give him a special CD_______ a birthday present.
A. for B. as C. to D. with
( )2. —Doctor, _______ should I take this medicine?
—Twice a day.
A. what time B. how much C. how soon D. how often
( )3. I am_______ holiday in New York. I often go to cities_______ a holiday.
A. in; on B. on; for C. in; for D. for; in
( )4. —Would you like some orange juice, Millie?
—_______. It's my favourite.
A. No, I'm not thirsty B. No, thanks
C. Yes, I do D. Yes, please
( )5. They have shows_______ different festivals_______ the world.
A. a