
牛津译林版英语7B 单项选择题专练(7B Units 4-6).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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牛津英语选择题(7B Units 4-6)
(7B unit 4)
1. ( ) There is ________ UFO in the sky.
A. an B. a C. the D. /
2. ( ) Are you _______ in these _______ story books.
A. interested, interesting B. interested , interested
C. interesting ,interesting D. interesting , interested
3. ( ) He goes away without ______ goodbye to me .
A. say B. says C. saying D. to say
4. ( ) He turned around , but he couldn’t see ________. A. something unusual
B. anything unusual C. unusual anything D. unusual something.
5. ( ) ---- How far is your school from here? ----- Not far , It ______ about 15 minutes.
A. spends B. takes. C. costs D. pays for
6. ( ) She is fond of ________ music.
A. hear B. hearing C. listen to D. listening to
7. ( ) Mother told me _______ in the sun .
A. don’t read. B. not read C. don’t to read D. not to read.
8. ( ) Please _______ more English in class.
A. say B. speak. C. talk D. tell
9. ( ) I can’t clean my face ______ my feet.
A. by B. with. C. on D. use
10.( ) Everything ________ ready for today’s party.
A. will B.