

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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班级_______姓名 座号_______得分_______
( )1. _______. Which is the way to Hill Building?
A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Thank you
( )2. The van stopped ________ the traffic lights.
A. on B. at C. in D. along
( )3. Go on ______you reach the end of this road.
A. when B. after C. before D. until
( )4. —Do you know _______ the soldiers(战士)came to Yingxiu Town?
—The roads were badly broken(破坏). They had to walk there.
A. why B. how C. when D. where
( )5. Daniel and Kitty ________start a campfire this evening.
A. is going to B. going to C. will going to D. are going to
( )6. We are happy ____you _____ a farewell party for our friends from Beijing.
A. invite, to B. to invite, join C. inviting, to D. to invite, to
( )7. Shanghai is ______ the east of China.
A. at B. in C .to D. on
( )8.—Excuse me, ______? —Turn right, and then you’ll see it on the right.
A. can you tell me the way to the park B. can I go to the park with you
C. can I take a bus to the park D. is there a bus station near here
( )9. Walk _______ the bridge, you’ll find the station ________ your left.
A. cross; in B. across; on C. through; in D. through; on
( )10. I’m afraid he may ______ ill at home.