
译林版七年级7A Unit 1 Unit 1 This is me Reading 2 同步练习.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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7A Unit 1 This is me !
课时练****三 Reading 2
(     )1. I have ___________ CDs at home.
          A. much           B. a            C. lots of          D. the        
(      )2. David is too young to play football,but he likes to _______ a ball.
      A. play          B. play the     C.play with        D. play for
(      )3. Sandy has long hair, but Amy’s hair is ___________.
        A. black         B. short        C.long             D. round
(      )4. I meet Miss Gao at seven o’clock in the morning. I say        to her.
          A. goodbye      B. good night   C. good evening    D. good morning   
( )5. ______ are in Class 1, Grade 6. ______ in the same class.
A. Jimmy, I and Tom; Their B. I, Jimmy and Tom; They’re
C. Jimmy, Tom and I; They’re D. Jimmy, Tom and I; We’re
( )6. Our English teacher seldom ______ the orange coat.
A. putting on B. puts on C. wears D. wear
( )7. Kitty enjoys ______ very much.
A. skates B. to skate C. to skating D. skating
( )8. —Your English is very good. —________.
A. You’re welcome. B. Oh, no. C. You’re right. D. Thank you.
( )9. The man ______ glasses is our History teacher.
A. in B. on C. with D. wears
( )10. He can’t mend his bike. Let’s ______.
A. help him B. helping him C. help me