
译林版七年级7A Unit1 This is me 单元测试题.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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7A 第一单元测验 2007.10
( ) 1.My cousin doesn’t like fish.
A. isn’t like B. not like C. no like D. dislikes
( ) 2.I don’t have much time to chat with friends .
A. many B. lot of C. lots of D .a lots of
( ) 3.They always talk to each other or play games.
A. talk with B. talk about C. talk on D. talk in
4. His uncle likes going ___________in the morning.(跑步)
5. Amy likes swimming very much .She is a very good ____________.(游泳者)
6. Millie has a dog called Eddie .She loves ___________very much.(他)
7. Do you know YaoMing? He’s our _______ basketball player.
8.I’m in our school _______ club. (绘画)
9.Yaoming is 2.2 meters _______. (高)
10.I often have dinner at my ___________.(祖父母)
1、Kitty _________(miss) his parents very much.
2、A: _________ many children here _________(love) fast food?
B: Yes, they do. They often _________(eat) it for lunch.
3、A: Do you like baseball matches?
B: No, I _________(not like) them. But my father _________(watch) them on TV.
4、Sandy _________(be) born in 1992. She _________(be) 12 years old now.
5、LiuXiang goes _______(run) every morning. He wants__ __(be) the best runner .
6 Lily, ______(not eat) in the cinema.
7 What _____ your friend Daniel usually _____(do) after school?
He often _______(stay) in the c