
鲁教版 英语同步练习:八年级上unit 1 will people have robots.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 鲁教版

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Unit 1 Will people have robots?
一. 短语互译:
  1. 纸币_______    2. 信用卡_______
  3. 太空站_______   4. 住在一幢公寓里_______
  5. 喜爱上…_______  6. 看上去时髦_______
  7. keep a pet parrot_______
  8. have leisure time_______
  9. wear crazy clothes_______
  10. go to Hong Kong on vacation_______
  11. personal computer_______
  12. the head of the company_______
  13. turn against_______
  14. 第一次_______   15. 奥运会_______
  16. 远离_______   17. 超过,多于_______
  18. 至少,最少_______ 19. 整顿、清理_______
  20. 为某事打赌_______
二. 单项选择。
1. —Will people live to be 300 years old?
A. No, they aren't B. No, they won't
C. No, they don't D. No, they can't
2. There will be _________ pollution this year than last year.
A. fewer B. much C. less D. many
3. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _________ me?
A. with B. to C. on D. from
4. —Where is Miss Wang?
—She went to Hainan Island last week and will return _________ six days.
A. ago B. later C. behind D. in
5. —_________ will they play?
—They will play football.
A. What subject B. What sport
C. What food D. What language
6. I will see you again _________.
A. a day B. every day C. one day D. everyday
7. I hope your dream will _________.
A. come true B. come out C. com