
译林版七年级7B Unit5 Amazing things Period2(Reading) 含答案.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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7B Unit 5 Amazing things
1. 在他们回家的路上_______________ 2. 在一棵大树下坐下______________
3. 站在树旁_______________________ 4. 迅速离开公园__________________
5. 一个星期天的早上_______________ 6. 像往常一样____________________
7. 告诉他一切_____________________ 8. 搜查灌木丛____________________
9. 捡起那只小猫___________________ 10.自言自语______________________
1. ______ (突然), he stops his car. There is a little dog in front of it.
2. -You should listen______(仔细地). It's very important.
-OK.I will.
3. Our teacher______(想知道)when we're going to have a meeting.
4. Did______(任何人)see you yesterday?
5. Millie was afraid because she saw a ______(奇怪的)man.
6. "Nothing______(发生).I'm OK." Amy said to her mom.
7. She was_______(惊讶的)when I told her about the thing.
8. He never_______(回复)to any of my letters. So I stopped writing to him.
9. -Andy asked his mother to do his homework again.
-Why didn't he do it______?
10. -What's the time? Can we get there on time?
-Come on! We have to run______.
( ) 1. We often go to the park______ Sunday mornings.
A. at B. on C. in D. /
( )2. This morning my uncle parked his car(停车)under the tree_______.
A. at most B. at all C. any more D. as usual
( )3. We heard______ from those_______ .
A. a whisper; bushes B. whisper; bush
C. whisper; bushes D. a wh