
译林版七年级unit2 my day(牛津英语七年级).zip

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牛津英语7A Unit 2单元检测
新港中学 初一备课组
( )1、Who can help ? I think can.
A、I, I B、me, I C、me, me D、I, my
( )2、 football is lost, he can’t find .
A、He, him B、He, it C、His, it D、His, him
( )3、Hello, Sandy, Can I sit here? .
A、Yes, you are B、Yes, I do. C、No, I can’t D、Yes, you can
( )4、I like to TV, but my father likes to books.
A、watch, read B、watch, look C、watch, see D、read, look at
( )5、Please get some the China Space Museum.
A、information of B、informations of
C、information about D、informations about
( )6、Jack spends two hours his homework.
A、do B、does C、doing D、to do
( )7、Mom, can you at 8:00tomorrow morning.
A、wake up I B、wake I up C、wake up me D、wake me up
( )8、Millie likes her school .
A、very B、very much C、some D、little
( )9、We our trip next Monday.
A、have B、will have C、has D、having
( )10、I love reading I want to learn more about the world.
A、because B、so C、and D、or
( )11. Thank you for _______our party.
A. organizing B. organized C. organizes D. organize
( )12. Each girl ____a dress like yours.
A. have B. has C. there D. own
( )13. That’s Jim’s bag .Give ______,please.
A. it him B. it to him C. them him D. him them
( )14. We usually have a good time _______ lunchtime.
A. for B. in C. by D. at
( )15. Are ______of you from the same family, Jane and Ann?
A. both B. none C. all D. no
( )16. Don’t sit on the chair. There ________ on it.
A. is some water B. are some water C. is any water D. are any water
( )17. It’s too late now. I think the shop is _________.
A. open