
译林版七年级Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Grammar 同步练习题 (word版,含答案).doc

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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译林版七年级Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Grammar 同步练习题 (word版,含答案).doc
Unit 3 Grammar
1. The Bund catches many people’s eye with   (it) beautiful night sights. 
2. When our washing machine broke,our neighbours let us use   (they). 
3. Xiaoming,can you come to   (I) birthday party?  
4. It’s about one   (hour) bus ride from my home to the airport. 
5. Your photos are lovely.Do you want to see some of  (we)? 
A: Mike, is this (1) ________ (you) bike?
B: No, it’s not. (2) ________ (my) is over there under the tree.
A: And (3) ________ (who) bike is this, do you know?
B: Maybe it is (4) ________ (Jim). I know (5) ________ (he) bike is black.
A: Who does this schoolbag belong to?
B: It is (6) ________ (Kate). I gave her the schoolbag as the birthday present.
A: By the way, are these comic books (7) ________ (your)?
B: No, they are (8) ________ (Tom).
1.—Is this dictionary    ? 
—No,it isn’t.My dictionary is at home.
A.your B.yours C.yourself D.you
2.The movie named A Little Red Flower shows     love for their children. 
A.parents B.parent’s C.parents’ D.parent
3.—What a clean and tidy(整洁的) room!
—Yes.It’s     room. 
A.Tina and Nina’s B.Tina’s and Nina C.Tina and Nina D.Tina’s and Nina’s
4.We use chopsticks every day and it is     Chinese tradition. 
A.his B.your C.our D.my
5.1st June is     Day. 
A.Children B.Children’s C