
译林版七年级Unit 1 Dream Homes Integrated skills & Study skills 同步基础练习(有答案).docx

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译林版七年级Unit 1 Dream Homes Integrated skills & Study skills 同步基础练习(有答案).docx
Integrated skills & Study skills同步基础练****一、词汇
1.We told our daughter not to _______(讲) to strangers.
2.On the _________(第八) day after Christmas, he went abroad.
3.Their horse came __________(第三) in the race last year.
4.Tomorrow is her_______(二十)birthday.
5.Let's play a _______(录像)game together.
6.It's just a question of deciding what you ___________(真正地)want.
7. There are two________ (knife) in his bag.
8. I know a good place ________ (have) fun.
9. He invites me ________ (go) fishing next Sunday.
10. Who’s ________ (speak), please?
11. I make ________ (many) money than he does.
12. You look ________ (beautiful) in this blue dress.
13. I have a house of ________ (me) own.
14. I hope ________ (arrive) around two.
15. Can you ________ (see) without your glasses?
16. The square of three is ________ (ninth).
1. I bought ____ new dress yesterday. I want to wear______ dress on my birthday next week.
A. a; A B. the; The C. a; The D. the; A
2.—Hello, may I speak to Sandy, please?
—____. She is practising playing the violin
A. This is Mary speaking B. Hold on, please
C. I’m Mary D. He is working
3. Beijing,________ capital of China, is________city with a long history.
A. the; the. B. a ; a C. the; a D. /; the
4. —_______ do you want to be a doctor?
—To help sick people.
A. What B. Where C. Why D. Which
5. My bir