
译林版七年级Unit 5 Let's celebrate! Task and Self-assessment 课时作业(含答案).docx

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译林版七年级Unit 5 Let's celebrate! Task and Self-assessment 课时作业(含答案).docx
牛津译林版7年级英语上册Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Task and Self-assessment 课时作业
1. The Spring Festival is ____________ (重要的) in China and many other Asian countries.
2.I get some red _________ (包) from my uncles and aunts every year.
3. In ________ ( 大多数) of the middle schools in China, students can't take the mobile phones with them.
4.At night, people watch the full moon with their ________ (家人).
5.Please give my best wishes to your___________ (祖父母).
6.--Is English __________ important subject?
--Yes, it is. _______ subject is also very interesting, I think.
A.a;The B.an;The C.the;A D.an;A
7.--Look ! Fireworks !
--Wow! How beautiful! But people living in this area can't fireworks.
A.let off B.get off C.let out D.get out
8.-- do you celebrate the Chinese New Year?
--All my family get together and have a big dinner.
A. Why B. What C.How D. Where
9. It's important for us_____ healthy lifestyle.
A.to keep B.keep C.keeping D.kept
10. young people like jeans ( 牛仔裤). Amy and Daniel look cool blue jeans.
A.Most; in B.Most; on
C.The most; in D.The most; on
11. --What are you going to buy?
--Some. Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival.
A.rice dumplings B.moon cakes
C.chocolate eggs D.pumpkins