
译林版八年级上册Unit 1 Friends 错题集(含答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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八年级上学期 Unit1 错题集
Do you think these books are those ____________ (青少年) over there?
Is it ____________ (真实的) that Hermosa got the first prize in the competition?
My brother is very ____________ (幽默的) and he likes to watch the show Top Funny Comedian.
Mr White is very tall, ___________ (差不多) 1.8 metres.
Our monitor has a good _____________ (意识) of time. And he is never late for school.
—What’s the ___________ (高度) of your brother? He is so tall.
—About 1.8 metres. He is good at playing basketball.
Sara and Amy would like to be ___________ (社会) workers when they grow up.
Would you please bring the ____________ (杂志) on history to school tomorrow? Mr King needs them.
I can’t finish the work so quickly ___________ your help.
—I feel so ____________. Can we watch some interesting film?
—OK. Which one would you like?
1. What did the teacher talk ________ you _________ in the meeting room?
A. to; about B. about; with C. to; with D. with; to
2. Your answer _________ wrong. You ________ ask your teacher for help.
A. maybe; may B. may; may be C. may be; may be D. may be; may
3. Let’s wait for Simon for _________ minutes. He is on his way here.
A. a little more B. more a few C. a few more D. more two
4. —The T-shirt really _________ your new skirt.
—But it doesn’t _________ me well. It’s too small. What a pity!