
南京秦淮区译林版八年级第一学期期末英语试卷 解析(含答案).docx

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南京秦淮区译林版八年级第一学期期末英语试卷 解析(含答案).docx

二、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Once a year,the members of the Insect Club go to collect insects and record their types and changes their numbers.
A. by B. in C. at D. for
Don’t cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A car hit you.
A. may B. need C. should D. must
A small mistake can many problems, so you’d better read the instructions first.
A. discuss B. accept C. cause D. introduce
--- Why did you come back home so late today, Tom?
--- There was a lot of traffic on the way. Moreover, the school didn’t end as as usual.
A. early B. earlier C. late D. later
Remember not to shout loud in the wetlands, the birds will fly away.
A. and B. otherwise C. but D. if
--- Our school basketball final is coming!
--- Oh, we’d better a poster on the noticeboard to welcome all the students.
put in B. put on C. put up D. put away
--- What do you take when attending the lessons?
--- I usually take a notebook with me down what I learn.
A. write B. writing
C. to write D. wrote
--- Suzy, this morning I called to invite you to the party, but nobody answered.
--- Oh, I’m sorry. I missed the call. I then.
A. sleep B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping
On stormy days, we often hear the wind hard.
A. blow B. blowing C. blew D. to blow
The sentence structure of “Hobo built Eddie a tent near the stream” is .
Today is sunny with a wind. Why not go out for a picnic?
A. sudden B. slight C. strange D. serious
Which of the following words is a compound word?
A. cheerful B. pancake C. speaker D. invitation
--- What is the word’s tallest mountain?
--- Mount Qomolangma. And its newest is 8848.86 meters above sea level.
A. age B. area C. weight D. height
--- Many animals lose their lives because people hunt them for their fur or bones.