

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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I. 听小对话,选图片 (5 分)
1. How did Tom go to work today?

2. What animal does John like best?

3. What does Jim’s father do?

4. Where did the woman go last summer?

5. Which of the following games is the man’s favorite?

II. 听小对话,回答问题。(5 分)
6. How often does Lin Tao exercise?
A. Twice a week B. Three times a week C. Four times a week
7. Who is the tallest?
A. Tom B. Jack C. Tom’s brother
8. When is Bob coming back from Beijing?
A. On Tuesday B. On Thursday C. On Sunday
9. How is Bill’s father going to Shanghai?
A. By car B. By subway C. By train
10. Why can’t David go to the birthday party?
A. He has to look after his mother . B. He has to do his homework.
C. He has to study for the English test.
III.听长对话,回答问题。(5 分)
11. What are they talking about?
A. A photo. B. A newspaper. C. A magazine.
12 .What do you know about Tom?
A. He is shorter than Maria.
B. He is younger than Maria.
C. He is thinner than Maria.
13. What’s the date today?
A. March 5th      B. March 15th      C. March 25th
14. What’s wrong with Wu Dong?
A. He has got a bad cold. B. He was badly hurt.   C. He broke his leg.
15. What are they going to do after school?
A. Play basketball.    B. Go to see Wu Dong.   C. Go to the cinema.
IV..短文理解(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
16.What is David like?
A. He is serious B. He is outgoing C. He is funny.
17.Who is David going to invite?
A. His teachers B. His friends C. His students
18. What is Mrs. Smith buying?
A. Some drinks and a bike B. Some food and a watch. C. Some fruit and a cake
19. What color pants is David wearing?
A. Black B. White C. Blue
20. When does the party start?
A. At 6:00 B. At