
抚顺市32中学人教版八年级上Unit 5单元检测[上学期].zip

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亲爱的同学: 聚会-Party是我们学****和生活中相互交流与提高的机会,不过得知礼数哦!
I. Betty邀请你来参加她的生日Party,一同enjoy生日活动,快给出你满意的答案吧。10分
( )1.— Can you come to play soccer with me? — ____________.
A.I can B. That's all right C. Sure. I'd love to
( )2. He can go with you, but I ____________.
A. am not B. can't C. don't
( )3. What are you doing ____________ Monday morning?
A. on B. at C. in
( )4. Thanks for ____________ me to the party.
A. ask B. asking C. asks
( )5. Bob can't come out to play because he ____________help Dad in the garden.
A. can B. can't C. has to
( )6.—Would you like a cup of coffee? —____________.
A. No, I don't want B. No, thank you C. I don't like it
( )7.—Can you speak French? —____________.
A. Yes, I can B. No, I can C. Yes, I can't
( )8. My party is ____________ Friday night.
A. in B. on C. at
( )9.—I'm sorry I am late. —____________.
A. Don't sat that B. You're welcome C. It doesn't matter
( )10.—My mother is ill. I have to take care of her at home. —___________.
A. Thank you B. Oh, I don't know C. I'm sorry to hear that
II. 在生日会上Betty和Collins的对话,听不太清楚,猜猜横线上的单词吧 10分
My American friend is going to v________ me next week.
Hey! Can you come to my b_________ party?
Don’t talk in class, please keep q______.
4. -What did you do on Sa