
广东省清远市英德市第八中学人教版八年级英语上学期周周练八年级英语(上册)周周练(九)Unit 1-2.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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(Units 1 - 2)
Class____________ Name_____________ Number________ Mark________
( )1.—Did you watch________ soccer game yesterday?
—Yes. It’s ______ exciting game.
A. a; the B. the; an C. a; a D. the; the
( )2. Bob is a ______man. He has two big companies now.
A. stupid B. serious C. fat D. successful
( )3.I like eating meat, especially(尤其是)________.
A. beef B. apples C. potatoes D. biscuits
( )4. —What’s wrong with you?
—I ______day and night. Maybe I should go to the hospital.
A. coughed B. cried C. read D. slept
( )5. —You’d better not read_____ the sun. It is bad ______ your eyes.
—OK. Thank you.
A. in; to B. at; for C. in; for D. at; to
( )6. —How often do you brush your teeth?
—_________ a day, before breakfast and after dinner.
A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times
( )7. There is ______ in today’s newspaper. You needn’t read it.
A. special nothing B. nothing special
C. special something D. something special
( )8. —What’s your________?
—To be a great scientist like my father.
A. dream B. skill C. question D. worry
( )9. _________, he liked playing basketball, but now he likes skating.
A. At least B. In fact C. All the time D. At first
( )10. —______are you going to do this weekend?
—I will go swimming with my