

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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(  ) 1. A. major B. make C. matter
(  ) 2. A. Class 9 B. Grade 9 C. Class 6
(  ) 3. A. same B. salt C. subway
(  ) 4. A. player B. part C. peel
(  ) 5. A. active B. accordion C. advice
(  ) 6. A. We need two apples. B. $4. C. Thank you.
(  ) 7. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.
(  ) 8. A. I go to Shijiazhuang. B. I went to Shijiazhuang. C. I like it.
(  ) 9. A. That's Zhaowei. B. He is a boy. C. Yes, please.
(  ) 10. A. She was born in 1983. B. He was born in 1983.
C. It was born in 1983.
(  ) 11. Can Mary make fruit salad?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she can't. C. Yes, she can.
(  ) 12. When was the boy born?
A. On February 12, 1990. B. On February 21, 1990.
C. On February 12, 1995.
(  ) 13. Where did Helen go on her school trip?
A. Shanghai. B. Beijing. C. Shijiazhuang.
(  ) 16. How does he fruit salad?
A. make B. made C. makes D. done
(  ) 17. We must cut the tomatoes and put them the blender.
A. off, in B. up, into C. down, into D. over, in
(  ) 18. Don't water everywhere.
A. pour B. put C. pours D. puts
(  ) 19. -- yogurt do you need? --O