
人教版八年级上册Exercises for Unit 12 3[上学期].zip

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Exercises for Unit 1
一. 单项选择: 15%
( )1. ________ students in your class are from Beijing? -Only one.
A. How often  B. How many C. How much    D. How
( )2..- ________do your grandparents come to see you? -Twice a week.
A. How often  B. How many C. When    D. How
( )3. What ________ she ______ on weekends?
A. is, do   B. does, does C. do, do     D. does, do
( )4. Although he is very old, ________he works very hard.
A. and     B. but C. /       D. so
( )5. The old man is well because he often__________.
A. exercises B. drinks C. sleeps D. plays
( )6. Does the girl do ______?
A. morning exercises B. eyes exercises
C math exercise D eye exercise
( )7. Bill is in good ______. He’s pretty ______.
A. health, health B. healthy, healthy C health, healthy D healthy, health
( )8. _____ are you away from school ? About two week.
A. How often B. How long C. how many D. How old
( )9. _____ meat do you want ? One kilo.
A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How thin
( )10. The students exercise every day and they try ______ themselves healthy.
A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep
( )11. I can see hardly ___ words on the blackboard. I’m nearsighted. (近视的)
A. a B. some .C any D. no
( )12. We don’t know ______to do next.
A. how B. when C. what D. where
( )13. Katrina’s father her to eat junk food.
    A. want B. wants not C. doesn’t want D. not wants
( )14.My eating habits yours.
A. are the same as B. is the same as C. is same as D. are the same for
( )15. homework, Tom does homework every day.
        A. To B. As for C. As D. Because
二. 根据汉语或首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整: 5%
1. E__________________ every day is good for us..