
人教版八年级上册Test for Unit 9 & Unit 10[上学期].zip

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Test for Unit 9-10 (Grade Two)
听力部分 (20%)
Ⅰ 听对话,选答案(10%)
1. When was Jenny born?
A. In the morning B. On May 15th C. In 1996
2. How old was Mike’s father when he stopped golfing?
A. Forty years old B. Fourteen years old C. At the age of fourteen
3. What does Jake London do?
A. a book seller B. a writer C. a reader
4. How long did Lucy play the violin?
A. For 15 years B. For 5 years C. In 1985
5. Who took part in the English Speaking Competition for the first time?
A. Sandy B. Beck C. Betty
6. How is Tom’s grandmother?
A. outstanding B. serious C. loving
7. What’s the girl going to be?
A. an actress B. a reporter C. a pilot
8. Where is Ann going to work?
A. In France B. An artist C. In Italy
9. Did the boy work hard?
A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he will.
10. How is he going to be a great scientist?
A. read more books on science B. study science very hard C. A and B
Ⅱ, 听短文,判断正误。(10%)(正确为A, 错误为B)
11. Jenny was six years old. ( )
12. She was at school for one day. ( )
13. Only Jenny in the classroom at last. ( )
14. Jenny asked Miss Black some questions about her study. ( )
15. Jenny is going to ask her mother some