
人教版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B Self Check同步练习(含答案).zip

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八年级上册英语Self Check同步练****I.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空
play a part in, over and over again, hundreds of, look for, fall down
1. As a guide, I have visited cities all over the world.
2. Everyone in my family doing housework.
3. Jim from his bicycle yesterday. Luckily, he didn't hurt badly.
4. I do understand your meaning. Don't say it .
5. All the villagers the missing girl now. If you get any information, please tell us.
A: Tom, did you watch the movie 2050?
B: Yes, it was really fantastic!
A:1. ?
B: It's hard to say. Nobody can predict it. But I think many things will be very different in the future.
A: I agree with you. 2. ?
B: Yes, I think so. Robots will do many things for people. So we’ll have more free time to enjoy ourselves.
A:3. .There will be more people on the earth, and they will make more pollution.
B: That's really a problem. But there are more ways than difficulties.
A: Yes, you're right. 4. ?
B: If possible, I'll live in another planet.
A: Another planet? 5. ?
B: I can go there in my spaceship.
A: That's interesting. I hope your dream will come true.