
人教版八年级上册Unit 9 When was he born 同步阅读 (含答案).zip

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新目标英语八年级上Unit 9同步阅读 (含答案)
Unit 9 When was he born?
Read the passage about Keanu Reeves and then fill in the chart. (读短文,完成下面的表格。)
  Keanu Reeves is a famous, popular and talented actor. He was born on September 2, 1964 in Lebanon. His father is Hawaiian-Chinese. His mother is English. His name means “cool breeze (微风) over the mountains” in Hawaiian. He also has a nick name which is called “The Wall”. This is because he played hockey quite well in school. In his early years, he had different jobs. He was once a cook and a tree cutter. He went to Hollywood in 1986. In 1994, the movie Speed made him famous. Then the 1999’s The Matrix was a huge success. Keanu became a top actor. He started in some other successful movies such as A walk in the Clouds in 1995, Devil’s Advocate in 1997, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions in 2003
Keanu Reeves
Nick name
In 1986
In 1994
Starred in Speed.
In 1999
Some of his best movies
Read the story about Marco Polo and then write True or False before each statement. (读短文,判断对错。)
  Marco Polo was born in Italy, in the city of Venice, about 1254. At that time Europeans knew almost nothing about people and nations on other continents, except some areas of Asia and Africa touching the Mediterranean (地中海).
  In 1271, Marco Polo, his uncle, and his father set out on a journey to China. For four ye