

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Everyone knows that food is a very important thing for health. If we want to be healthy, we must have all kinds of foods. We need food when we feel hungry. Then, if we eat a bowl of rice or a piece of bread(面包), we do not feel hungry. We should have enough food. But do we eat the right kind of food?
Bread is good for us. It helps us to work. It can keep us warm when the weather is cold.
Meat, fish, eggs, and milk are all very good for us. They help us to grow. They keep us healthy. We must have some of these kinds of food every day.
We also need fruit and vegetables. These also help us to grow and be healthy.
( )61. This article is about “ food and health ”.
( )62. People have to eat food if they are hungry.
( )63. Food only means (意思)bread.
( )64. We shouldn’t eat a balanced diet if we want to be healthy.
( )65. Bread keeps people warm when the weather is cold.
One day, I had a bad toothache. I couldn’t eat anything. So I went to see the dentist.
“ What’s wrong with your teeth? ” asked the dentist.
“ I have a toothache. ” I told him.
“ Let me see your teeth …… Um, there’s a hole(洞)in one of the teeth. Do you eat a lot of sweet food? ” The dentist asked me.
“ Yes, I do. I often eat ice cream, biscuits, chocolate and I often drink cola and milk with sugar, ” I told him.
“ All these are bad for your teeth. You must eat less sweet food and brush your teeth at least twice every day. Now let me fill your bad tooth. ”
( )66. What was wrong with the write?
A. She couldn’t eat or sleep. B. She had a toothache.
C. She couldn’t eat any sweet food. D. She had a headache.
( )67. The doctor looked over(检查)the writer’s teeth and found .
A. a hole in one of her teeth B. two holes in her teeth
C. some holes in her teeth D. a big hole and a small hole in her teeth
( )68. The write .
A. doesn’t like eating s