
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 2 What’s the matter 单元测试 (4).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 2 what’s the matter?
( ) 1. _________the matter? He _______ a cold.
A How’s , has B What’s , has C How’s , have D What’s , have
( ) 2. --- I have a toothache.
--- You should see _______.
A a doctor B your mother C the dentist D the ill
( ) 3. She’s not _______.
A feel well B feel good C feeling good D feeling well
( ) 4. Maria likes _______ classical music.
A to listen B listen to C listening to D to listening to
( ) 5. It’s important ______ us _______ English well.
A of, to learn B for, to learn C to, to learn D with, learning
( ) 6. We should ______ hot tea ______ honey.
A drink , with B to drink, have C drink, have D to drink, has
( ) 7. He might ______ in the classroom
A am B is C are D be
( ) 8. One of his______ is bigger than______.
A tooth, another B tooths, another C teeth, the others D teeths, the others
( ) 9. I hope you’re ______ in your school.
A enjoy studying B enjoying studying
C liking studying D enjoying to study
( ) 10. Doing morning exercises is good ______ your health.
A to B in C for D with
( ) 11. What’s the matter _____ you?
A to B for C about D with
( ) 12. He didn’t go to bed _______ his mother came in.
A after B when C until D