
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party 单元测试.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit Five
班级__________ 姓名___________
1. come to my party ______ 2. 上钢琴课 _____
3. study for a test ______ 4. 去听音乐会 ______
5. too much homework______ 6. 在周五晚上 ______
7. keep quiet ______ 8. 帮忙干家务活______
9. join the club ______ 10. 两整天 _____
11. Thanks for your i to visit your school next week.
12. We have no l on Saturdays and Sundays but we have to do the homework.
13. I hear the famous musician will come to our city to hold a c next month.
14. I am always busy on w , but I never work at the weekend.
15. I ate up the apple. Please give me a one.
16. There is going to be a football m tonight.
17. Mary visited her cousin and had a c lesson yesterday.
18. I didn’t go out today because it rained the w day.
19. You can find the correct date of Christmas on the c .
20. Can you come o to my home if you are free?
二 .单项选择(15分)
( ) 21.You can keep the book for another week, but you lend it to others.
A. needn’t  B. mustn’t   C. aren’t D. must
( ) 22.He can go with you, but I ____________.