
人教版八年级英语Test Unit 2[上学期].zip

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Test Unit2
一. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(15分)
1. What’s the m_______, young man? I have a s______ throat.
2. She b_____ it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
3. To a doctor, the most i________ thing is to save lives(挽救生命)
4. When you are ill, you must to see the d________.
5. Give her something to drink. She is very t__________.
6. Because of her i________, she couldn’t go to school.
7. Don’t be too s________ out. It’s bad for health.
8. He reads English every morning because he wants to i________ it.
9. Everyone should eat a b__________ diet.
10. The baby has only two t_________(牙齿).
11. I’m sorry to hear that you’re not f_________well.
12. He had a toothache, so he went to see the d_________.
13. If you are tired, you should lie down and r________.
14. Many foreigners are interested in the t_______ Chinese medicine.
1. _______(not talk) in the reading room.
2. His words make them _________feel) sad.
3. The doctor hopes the little boy ________(feel) better soon.
4. It’s easy _________(stay) healthy.
5. People who _______(be) stressed out and angry may have too much yang in their ________(life)
6. How many ______(foot) does a dog have?
7. Would you like something __________(drink)?
8. The boy ________(lie) in his bed at the moment.
9. When he ________(get) tired, he enjoys _________(listen) to music.
10. When _______ it _______(start)? An