
人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Will people have robots》专项训练含答案(2份).zip

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Unit7 阅读理解专练
Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.
The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots of things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to obey(听从) human’s orders, because their designers make them do so. A police officer called Spooner hates robots. He doesn’t think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susan works on robots’ mind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful(强大的) than humans and help humans to make progress(进步).21·世纪*教育网
When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world’s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they’re trying to get out of humans’ control(控制)! Of course these robots’ dream doesn’t come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.21·cn·jy·com
1. The story will happen(发生) in _______.
A. 2010 B. 2020 C. 2035 D. 2040
2. The phrase “depend on” in this article means _______.www-2-1-cnjy-com
A. 依靠 B. 悬挂 C. 相信 D. 取决于
3. Spooner is a _______ and Susan is a _______.
A. scientist; professor B. bank clerk; police officer
C. policeman; doctor D. police officer; scien