Unit2 Howoftendoyouexercise2
一 、根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词。
1.Icanhardly believethat.Thenewscan'tbetrue.
2.— Bety,what'syourfavoriteTV program ?
— It'sHappyCamp.
3.MyfatherlikessurfingtheInternet togetsomeusefulinformation.
4.Bilusualy washeshisfacetwice a day.
5.— Wouldyoulikesomemoremeat?
— No,thanks.I'm ful .
二 、单项选择。
( B )1.— How doyoureadEnglish?
— Sometimes.
A.long B.often C.far D.much
( D )2.A lotofvegetables youtokep ingoodhealth.
A.make B.want C.try D.help
( D )3.Peteris becausehehardlyeverexercises.
A.tired B.happy C.healthy D.unhealthy
( B )4.Heknowsa lot heisstila child.
A.so B.although C.but D.or
( A )5.— doyoudoonthewekend?
— IdomyhomeworkorwatchTV.
A.What B.When C.Where D.How
三 、根据汉语意思完成句子 ,每空 一 词。 1.张老师两年前教你英语吗?
Did Mr.Zhang teach youEnglishtwoyearsago?
2.你多久去一 次超市?
How often doyougotothesupermarket?
3.请不要问你父亲这个问题 。
Don't ask yourfatherthisauestion,please.
Wouldyouliketo go to the