
人教七年级Unit 1-4基础练习.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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1.------________do you________ books? ----I love them.
A. How , think of        B. What , like of        C. What, think of         D. What , like
2.It's raining all day, so I ______stay at home.A. must           B. have to      C. must to      D. can
3.________late for class again, Jack.A. Don't      B. Don't be     C. Can't     D. Can't be
4.--Does your mother often go to the movies?---  , she doesn’t like movies at all.
A. Ever B. Never C. Sometimes D. Usually
5.Eating vegetables and fruit_____your health.A.is bad forB.is good at C.is bad at D.is good for
6.You are tired, so you _____ go to the party.A.shall B.need C.shouldn’t D.aren’t
7.There is ______food in the fridge, and it’s _______ nice.
A.too much; much too B.much too; too muchC.too many; much too D.too much; too many
8.There is nothing for dinner, so I have to buy___ things at the supermarket.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
9.It usually______ me fifteen minutes to walk from my house to our school.
A.spends B.takes C.costs D. pays
10.Jeff goes to work____and his wife goes to work .
A.by car; on her bike B.by a car; on her bikeC.by cars; by bikesD.by his car; by her bike
11.My sister and I _______ like sports.A.all B.whole C.both D.too
12.---Can you come to my party this Wednesday?---___. I have to study for my math test.
A.Sorry, I