
人教七年级Unit 2 Where’s the post office (1).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
一. Match the English words with the Chinese words. 中英文词汇配对。
( ) 1. post office A. 图书馆
( ) 2. pay phone B. 中心街
( ) 3. restaurant C. 超市
( ) 4. Bridge Street D. 邮局
( ) 5. supermarket E. 银行
( ) 6. library F. 第五大道
( ) 7. Center Street G. 餐馆
( ) 8. bank H. 公园
( ) 9. Fifth Avenue I. 公用电话
( ) 10. park J. 大桥街
二. 单项选择
1. Please look around. What can you see your right?
A. in B. on C .at
2.—Excuse me. to get to the airport?
—Take a taxi.
A. What B. When C. How
3. Let Jane the art club. She likes drawing.
A. joining B. join C .joins
4. The park is across the supermarket.
A .in B. on C. from
5. We can buy some in the food market .
A. bread B. baseballs C. clothes
6. there a bank along the street?
A. Is B. Are C. Am
7. The pay phone is the post office and the library.
A .in B. between C .near
8. Martin is sitting next me. We are good friends.
A. to B. on C. around
9. — there orange juice in the fridge?
—I don’t know.
A. Am B. Are C. Is
10. My uncle will Beijing next Sunday.
A. get B. arrive in C. arrive at
三. 句型转换
1. There