

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 北师大版

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Class__________ Name____________ Mark_____________
( ) 1.She often goes to the park on weekends,but _____she goes to the movies.
A some time B sometimes C sometime D some times
( ) 2.Mrs Brown had to sit down and rest _____ five minutes.
A each B every C never D often
( ) 3.They didn't go to bed _____the work was finished.
A when B while C until D after
( ) 4.-Miss Li,could you give me _____on English learning?
-Certainly. First you should speak English every day.
A any advices B many advices C some advice D some advices
( )5.It's important to eat a _____diet.
A balanced B balance C balancing D balances
( )6.English people like to drink tea_____sugar or milk.
A with B has C in D from
( )7.-What are you doing this Sunday?
-I'm _____.
A go fishing B going fishing C go fish D going fish
( )8.-You will be relaxed when you return(回) from your vacation.
A You are right B I hope so C All right D I hope not
( )9.-_____are you staying in Tibet?
-About one month.
A How often B How long C How far D How much
( )10.-Can you _____it to me on Friday?
-What about Saturday? My computer doesn't work well these days.
A take B give C e-mail D bring
( )11.Be quiet,please.I