

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Hank caught two mice and put them in his pocket.He went home,tied(拴)one of the mice to his_ 1 and said to his wife,“Prepare a nice meal for four people.They’re coming for dinner.”
He then went out and asked some businessmen to dinner.They were all happy and 2 .
Hank brought out the other mouse and told it,“Go to my wife and tell her 3 we have guests,and she must prepare a meal for four people.Then tell her to tie you to my bed.”The businessmen began to 4 and said,“Poor Hank,there will be no food when we get to his house.But let’s go and 5 him”
6 their surprise,the meal was ready.They 7 believed their own eyes until they saw the
mouse that was tied to the bed.It meant the mouse gave the message to Hank’s wife.So the richest businessman wanted to buy the mouse for$300.Hank refused and at last the man bought it for$500.The rich man invited some friends to dinner and then told the mouse to give the message to his wife.When he and his friends arrived,there was 8 to eat at home.His friends 9 him.He was angry and took Hank to the police station.
“I have a question to ask you,”said Hank.“Did you give the mouse your 10 ? ”
“So how could it find the place?”
( )1.A.desk B.bed C.shelf DI tree
( )2.A.talked B.refused C.agreed D.1eft
( )3.A.that