
牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 2 School life Welcome to the Unit练习及答案.docx

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 2 School life Welcome to the Unit练习及答案.docx
8A Unit 2 Welcome to the Unit练****一、词汇运用
1._________(美国的)English is sometimes different from________(英国的)English.
2.I did very well in the test,but Mary made even_______(少)mistakes(错误)
3.Tom,would you please help me buy an_______(橡皮)on your way home.
4.The White family live in a big house with a_________(院子)in Washington D.C.
5."________(假期)is another way of saying"holiday.
6.In the UK we say"________",but in the USA they say"_______"(饼干).
7.Things became even________(bad)after Sam' s father lost his job last month.
8."Mount Qomolangma",the roof(屋顶)of the world, is as______(height)as 8844.43 metres.
9.People like to watch TV programmes(节目)without__________(广告).
10.Yoga is not as________(excite)as bungee jumping.
11.Why______use the English-Chinese dictionary?
A.didn't B.not be C.don't be D.doesn't be
12.Why_____come and play football with us?
A.not you B.don't C.not to D.not
13.Lucy's pencil box is______yours.
A.like B.alike C.the same D.different
14.Sun Ning is one of_____in our school.
A.better swimmers B.best swimmers
C.the best swimmers D.the better swimmers
15.There were_____cars on the road at night.So he drove even faster.
A.little B.few C.a few D.a little
16.He didn't go there_______he had no time yesterday.
A.because B.when C.till D.if
17._____you practise English,____your English will be.