
unit11 could you please clean your room同步验收练习题(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

1340阅读234下载10页36 KB

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I. 听单词, 从你所听到的A, B, C, D中找出下列句中的斜体单词。(5分)
1. Go and feed the cat, Jill.
2. Gary never cleans her room.
3. Can you help me do the dishes?
4. Let's sweep the yard after lunch.
5. Do you put it in the trash basket?
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________
4. ________ 5. ________
II. 听句子, 根据其内容回答下面的问题。(5分)
1. Why does Jenny often help Jill put on her clothes?
2. Whose dictionary(字典) does Allan want to borrow?
3. When did Susan do the laundry?
4. What's Phillip going to do?
5. What's Grace's brother doing now?
III. 听短文, 根据其内容,写出下列五幅图的顺序。(10分)
I. 词汇。(10分)
A) 根据句意及所给首字母,完成单词。 (5分)
1. Our teachers are having a m ________ in the teachers' office.
2. Can I b ________ your bike? Mine is broken.
3. Lucy h ________ traveling by plane, but she likes taking the train.
4. Thank you very much for i ________ me to your party.
5. Please don't play w ______ that dog. It's dirty.
B) 根据英文解释写出单词。(5分)
6. t ________: young people between 13-19 years old
7. b ________: not interesting
8. t ________: something unuseful
9. c ________: some housework
10. f ________: give food to
II. 单项选择。(5分)