
八年级上册Unit 10 If you go to the party you’ll have a great time! 单元测试(人教版).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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  1. sound like                2. 计算机科学
  3. fashion show                 4. 同时
  5. keep fit                 6. 飞行员
  7. mineral water                 8. 火锅
  9. fill with                 10. 为……付款
  1. September is the        month of a year.
  2. In China, spring is from        to        .
  3. Today is the last day of November. That's November the
  4.          1st is our National Day, and        1st is Children's Day.
  5.          s the first day of the week, and        is the fourth day.
  6. The last month, that is, the        month of a year is        .
  7. Among the four        , I like        best, because the        isn't too hot        too cold. and it's the        for the farmers , too.
  8. The        season in China is winter. It        from December
  (     ) 1. I'm going to do some
  A. shop      B. shopping      C. shoping      D. shop
  (     ) 2. I'm going to have        rest after I finish my homework.
  A. /      B. some      C. a      D. the
  (     ) 3. ---Are you going to buy apples?
  ---Yes,         .
  A. I do      B. I am      C. it is      D. they are
  (     ) 4. The teachers will have a meeting        Friday afternoon.
  A. in      B. on      C. at      D. with
  (     ) 5. There is going to        a football game tomorrow.
  A. hav