

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?单元测试题
姓名________ 学号________ 班级________ 得分________
一、听力理解 (略)
二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)
( )31. — Do you like ______ onions in _____ sandwich?
— No, I don’t.
A. an; the B. the; an C. /; a D. the; /
( )32. — When is Children’s Day?
— _____ June 1st ________ each year.
A. In; / B. On; / C. In; on D. On; in
( )33. — Do you need some _______?
— Oh, yes. The coffee is too strong.
A. sugar B. lettuce C. salt D. yogurt
( )34. — Why did you make this birthday cake?
— ________ today is your birthday!
A. If B. When C. Though D. Because
( )35. First he washed his clothes, and then cleaned the house. ________ he cooked lunch.
A. Finally B. Quickly C. Clearly D. Loudly
( )36. The weekend is coming. And it’s time _________.
A. relax B. relaxing C. to relaxing D. to relax
( )37. The __________ food for Chinese to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival is zong zi.
A. expensive B. impossible C. traditional D. primary
( )38. — _________ honey do we need?
— Two cups.
A. How much B. How many C. How far D. How long
( )39. — How will you ________ the holiday?
— We will have parties.
A. shake B. celebrate C. cover D. discuss
( )40. — Please _______ the computer for me. I want to check my e-mails.
— OK.
A. turn on B. cut up C. turn off D.